Wednesday, December 19, 2018

archive of posts

From early 2017 to August 2018, I was using an account on the server, which ran Mastodon, an open-source program facilitating distributed/federated social networking. (My account was "" or "".) The server has gone belly-up, so I'm posting this archive of my posts.

Aug 11
I woke up this morning having dreamed about a showing of a movie called "The Secret Life of Plants." I looked it up, and it's a documentary from 1979, the year I was born, based on a 1973 book of the same name, with some interesting and controversial material about plant consciousness, and with a soundtrack by Stevie Wonder.

Aug 2
I think it's very important for us to
* undertake a deep analysis, a fundamental rethinking, of what we're doing here, and
* make a profound shift in how we're operating.

In order to do that in a coordinated way, on a large scale, I think we need an explicit set of new core values, new core principles, and that is a purpose that the Z3 Paradigm Framework can serve.

Jun 24
In many respects, the overall discourse seems to be stuck in a rut. That doesn't mean there aren't worthwhile conversations happening; there are. But new sets of core values, like the ones that the Z3 Paradigm Framework offers, seem to me to be very important for optimizing the discourse and getting out of many of the ruts that we're in.

Jun 24
Doesn't the discourse seem to be stuck in a rut? Doesn't it seem that radically advancing the narrative with new core values will be helpful?

Postverbal (a sci-fi scenario), part 1

Jun 13
The obsolescence of words:
"At this moment words remain a crucial part of life in multitudinous ways because we don't yet possess communication systems that can replace them. But we have the ability to create such systems."

Jun 13
There are multiple fundamental systemic areas where (deep and rapid) transformation is critically necessary. Without encapsulating these (distinct but interconnected) issues into a single framework, it's hard to see how we can succeed in making the necessary breakthroughs in any of these areas, much less all of them, within the requisite time frame.

May 30
A full year on, I still have a very keen (though maybe seemingly quixotic) interest in communicating this paradigm framework to more people. There are plenty of entirely understandable reasons for it having gotten so little traction so far. But the relevance of the framework itself has only increased, in my view. And it's been improved quite a bit over the past year. The most recent edit was 17 days ago.
framework authors:

May 19
I'd like to try to express why I'm so keen on this image from the Z3 Paradigm Framework. To a significant degree, our world is ruled by an abstract, artificial entity called money, which we symbolize (at least in this part of the world) with "$." If we're going to evolve toward a new way of organizing our world, it seems that it will be very helpful to have a succinct symbolic representation of the new system - a new symbol that can replace "$"

May 4
Been making some edits to "A tale of three paradigms" including the addition of this sentence today:
Alfred Korzybski's Science and Sanity (1933) gives techniques for cultivating a kind of optimal flexibility - in Alfred's terms, a "full conditionality of our semantic responses," an "∞-valued orientation."

May 4
Hey all!
Today I learned that the community of open-source, distributed, federated social media platforms has been dubbed The Free Network, at least in this pretty quick, but detailed, September 2017 article.
I've been sharing some thoughts regarding money, voting, competition, and the Z3 Paradigm Framework* right here on this Free Network account over the past couple weeks, before I knew that it was The Free Network!
*Z3 Paradigm Framework:

May 3
Z3 is a deep, yet concise, framework for an optimal civilizational paradigm. Well-meaning guardians of the status quo will diligently ignore it, but I believe it's time for those of us with prophetic inclinations to proclaim that the future will be zhergish!

Apr 27
A tale of three paradigms [edited 4-27-18]

Apr 24
Z3: a better way to be

Apr 24
The idea that competition should be a major aspect of how we organize the world seems to be both a sacred cow and a paper tiger. I see it being defended by people who identify as "conservatives," "liberals," "libertarians," and "anarchists." They keep broaching the topic in ways that seem to indicate that they're noticing the societal role of competition being increasingly questioned and challenged.

Apr 23
This page describes some fundamental problems with voting, and gives a rationale for creating better systems while participating in voting systems in the meantime:
It seems important for those who see the fundamental flaws of voting systems to vote -- if the only ones participating are the ones who don't understand, we can expect the worst possible results.
As Noam Chomsky has suggested, electoral politics should comprise a very small portion of one's civic engagement.

Apr 23
Money is so ubiquitous & so unnecessary. We say it takes a lot of money to build a house, or to build smartphones, etc. But if you demolish a house, or dissect a smartphone, you'll find no money in there (unless maybe someone hid it in the walls of the house). It's only "necessary" because we believe it is. We can look at it like a massive shared hallucination. Let's try to see past this hallucination. Imagine what we could accomplish on this planet if no one had to think about money ever again.

Apr 15
"There's a largely untapped dimension of hardware connectivity. Our devices can now act not only like telephones, connecting to others via central switchboards, but also like walkie-talkies, talking directly with each other." March 30, 2018 #MeshNetworking

Apr 15
A tale of three paradigms [in progress]
It seems potentially helpful to distinguish among three major psycho-social paradigms, and to assign a familiar mathematical symbol as a label for each:
1. >
2. =
3. ∞

Apr 7
Promulgate it
(To the tune of "Legalize it")
Promulgate it
Don't derogate it
Promulgate it, yeah yeah
And I will adumbrate it

Apr 3
@brianpoe ...create new ways of communicating that would make it feasible to imbibe, on reasonable timescales, more of the huge amounts of info that's out there. I think there's really something to the saying, "a picture's worth a thousand words." If we can explore all that information through pictures instead of words, then maybe we can learn at least a thousand times faster. BTW, ICYMI, I wrote another blog post related to this on the 1st:

Apr 3
Hi Brian,
Those likely future trends are some of the reasons I highly recommend the Z3 Paradigm Framework. (
Going back to your first comment, I would emphasize that I really do appreciate how enormously useful written and spoken words have been. Using the Internet, going to bookstores and libraries, I see billions of words that I'd love to read - I'd love to learn all that info - it would be so useful and enjoyable. This motivates me to try to...(continued)

Apr 1
We've been having a spirited discussion about economics, Z3, etc. in the comments of one of Eric S. Raymond's blog posts.
"Z3 advocates valuing or loving everyone, caring about/for everyone, which seems similar to what many have described using terms like agape, universal/unconditional love, etc."

Apr 1
"3D Internet interfaces & post-verbal ontologies"

Mar 31
@brianpoe When I write about post-verbal communication, I'm not necessarily thinking that present forms of communication will be discontinued - I'm focused on imagining radically new forms that we can help create. Just as we still make animal noises and use body language despite the fact that we have spoken and written words, we may continue using spoken and written words well into the future, but in many ways they may be eclipsed by newer forms of communication. I've blogged many ideas about it

Mar 30
"Mesh networking & post-verbal communication"

Mar 28
RT @ABC123 We've edited the final sentence of Z3, part 4, replacing "As more and more people do it" with "As people do it more and more" -- the transition isn't only a matter of discrete instances of people "joining" -- it's a matter of each of us repeatedly, habitually, increasingly embodying these more optimal patterns.

Mar 29
An essay called "Telepathy or Tragedy?" may be in the works~

Mar 21
RT @ABC123 Z3 Paradigm Framework, part 4

Mar 20
If I were going to try to express the essence of the Z3 Paradigm Framework, it might be: Let's take an omni-authentic and omni-compassionate approach, and structure our world around that instead of political hierarchy and commercial transactions.

Mar 20
"Dennis McKenna on Psylocibin Dosage"
(March 2016)

Mar 18
@kitredgrave hello?

Mar 16
I believe the time has come for us to embrace tools of consciousness expansion like marijuana and psychedelics as part of a comprehensive paradigm shift. Or even if you don't want a comprehensive paradigm shift, at least embrace these tools of consciousness expansion. "Embracing" them in this sense doesn't really have anything to do with the question of whether you want to take them yourself. But you can accept and celebrate the value that they can have for many, many people.

Mar 13
Friends, in case you weren't aware, Jeffrey Mishlove continues to post about two new interviews per week to the New Thinking Allowed channel, and he also recently started a series of daily monologues.
New Thinking Allowed: Conversations (and monologues) on the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery

Mar 13
"In my opinion, if 100% of the people were farming it would be ideal."
Masanobu Fukuoka

Mar 13
"Wanna channel your energy towards a destination of choice?
Let’s bring it to neutral first."

Mar 13
A key aspect of the current competitive paradigm is the notion of working "for" a particular person or group. In an omni-cooperative paradigm, we can work *with* particular people and groups, but we can work *for* the good of everyone. #zherg

Mar 10
Good morning, friends. How are you? I continue to find it very important to promote zhergish values. I've written many social media & blog posts inspired by the zherg framework, and I'm working on another blog post now. Here's a link to the Zherg website.

Mar 3
To bridge the gap between our cosmic, angelic potentials and our current reality which includes widespread violence, oppression, and wasted resources, let's examine and optimize our first premises ~

Mar 3
Rudolf Steiner said, before you take single step toward knowledge or power, take two steps toward ethics. This expresses one of the huge reasons for upgrading our philosophical (including ethical) frameworks. We're on the verge of significant steps toward knowledge and power, but first there's significant ethical/spiritual growth to be accomplished.

Feb 28
It probably makes sense to pursue tactics like new political parties and such, to advance zhergish values, but let's also of course be practicing "cultural zhergism" anywhere and anytime ~

Feb 28
RT @ABC123 We're celebrating nine months since the Zherg project was publicly launched. In these nine months of noospheric gestation, Zherg has received significant positive feedback. The small amount of substantive negative feedback has led to productive conversations that have validated and reinforced the zhergish message. These nine months thus affirm that Zherg is ready to begin the next phase of its life. Thanks, everyone.

we've all been somewhat caught up in competitive games - for instance, in my case, - that's been the zeitgeist of the age - doesn't mean we can't participate successfully in an omni-cooperative system ~

Feb 11
Pavlov, skepticism, and labor

Feb 7
RT @ABC123 Truth and Love

Feb 4
What Honeybees Can Teach Us About Democracy

Jan 29
There are angelic possibilities - prospects of creating a true paradise on Earth - and yet we remain largely mired in systems of meathead authoritarianism & silly speculation. How can we overcome this inertia & reach for the stars? Here are some ideas for a basic philosophical framework around which we can structure everything:

Jan 28
I find Zx/Zherg so cogent and salient that I find it almost strange that I don't see more people talking about it ~

Jan 22
Kurdish Christians Call for ‘Urgent’ International Protection Against Turkish Shelling

Jan 22
Zx: a message of love and liberation

Jan 21
Why formulate and promulgate new paradigm frameworks like Zx?

Jan 21
I recently came upon this, a nice 2016 documentary about Terence McKenna called True Hallucinations

Jan 21
Some have found Zx confusing. I think it may take more effort than usual to figure out what it's saying, but I think it ultimately makes quite good sense & is very relevant for us today. You may want to read Z1 and Z3. Z2 is just a slightly trimmed down Z1.

Jan 16
Friends have discussed the idea of setting up a new political party as a moneyless, volunteer-run organization, only using money for necessary election fees ~

Jan 16
There's been talk about starting a new political party ~ Our current major political party logos seem rather like sports team mascots -- donkey, elephant... ~ How about something comparably substantive, like the chart at the bottom of Z3, part 3, specifying two components to emphasize, and two to deemphasize? ~

Jan 16
the takeaway from what seemed like a pretty insightful dream a few nights ago: Truth and Similarity

Jan 13

Jan 13
I maintain that an appropriate, effective solution is probably going to need to be radical -- it's going to need to address root issues. The Zx framework's radicalness does place it somewhat outside of many people's current comfort zones, which poses challenges in promulgating the framework. If you feel uncomfortable with it, I'd love to discuss it with you. If you feel comfortable with it, I'd ask you to share it and help demonstrate that there's significant interest in & support for such ideas

Jan 13
Huge amounts of our discourse still focus on individual personalities, partisan labels, and special/competing interests. Policies and substantive matters do get discussed, but clearly with less than satisfactory progress toward consensus. All of this indicates to me that the time is ripe for new paradigm frameworks to emerge, superseding and supplanting our current ones. #Zx

Jan 11
Some people have been saying there's just not enough interest in a paradigm shift for it to happen. Do you see how that statement can function as a self-fulfilling prophecy? There is a tendency to get comfortable with the status quo. But we also dream, and look ahead.

Jan 11
Check out this wonderful formula for organizing our existence and coexistence; it's encapsulated in this simple chart:

Jan 8
The Science of Curing Aging
Aubrey de Grey | 20 Nov 2017

Jan 6
Let's create a life-based economy!

Jan 5
"The mistake is investing 100-percent certainty in a result and not holding a probabilistic view of scientific truth or risk and benefit." Catherine Kerr, neuroscience researcher

Dec 30, 2017
These Noomap folks seem to be taking some interesting steps toward a "distributed, holographic/holonic, semantic web" -- a "3D cyberspace browser"

Dec 30, 2017
I think a very important (and very concrete) aspect of the paradigm shift is localized agriculture. Some Portland tiny home villagers are already participating in this by cultivating gardens. More villages, and more gardening, are very much in the works as we speak.

Dec 30, 2017
@frankiesaxx If you want/need a thing I have, then I can just give it to you. The person who has the other thing that I want/need can give it to me. Because I want you to get what you want/need and the other person wants me to get what I want/need.

Dec 30, 2017
@frankiesaxx Yes

Dec 30, 2017
@frankiesaxx Yes. But what if, instead, you were to give the potatoes to someone who can use them, without tokens or barter, and likewise, the person with the wheat gives it to you, and is given cloth by the person with the cloth, etc.?

Dec 30, 2017
I hope more people will read and share "Z3 Paradigm Framework." Part 1 anticipates and addresses some major categories of objections or hesitations that seem likely to arise. Parts 2 and 3 list the proposals that comprise the framework.

Dec 30, 2017
the ongoing transformation of values, and our relationships with current-paradigm systems in the meantime
The purpose of money, the purpose of any transactional system, is to incentivize actions that benefit others. A crucial assumption underlying these systems is that people won't care enough about others to take such actions to the same degree without these incentives. A major challenge that we're trying to meet is that of creating a transformation of values...

Dec 30, 2017
We now have available multiple inspiring visions of, or frameworks for, a radically new paradigm, including the Zx project ( ) and the Venus Project (aka resource-based economy - ).

Dec 30, 2017
If we're not offering an inspiring vision of a radically new paradigm, then our attempts to make piecemeal improvements thru moderation or modification of the current system may backfire, by spooking people & prompting them to double down on harmful purist ideological commitments

Dec 26, 2017
July 3, 2017: Zhergishly upgrading core values and transforming society

Dec 26, 2017
February 3, 2017:
I can see your halos: Further depiction of forthcoming interfaces

Dec 26, 2017
January 10, 2017: graphical/universal interfaces, filters, filter bubbles, artificial intelligence, global mind

Dec 26, 2017
via Daniel Pinchbeck:
A Vision for the Future:
"Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells and vast colonies of microorganisms that work together seamlessly as a community. Individual cells do not hoard excess energy or "wealth" for themselves but rather store any excess energy in fat deposits that are freely available to the cellular community as a whole. So energy can flow seamlessly... Without any competition, cells and organs work with maximum efficiency..."

Dec 26, 2017
February 8, 2017: Labels and conversations beyond the ideological x-axis

Dec 25, 2017
Please help spread the important messages contained in Zx. Thanx!

Dec 25, 2017
So commerce and political hierarchy seem to be two sides of one coin (a particularly apt metaphor!) and so it seems fitting to specify that we want to discontinue both of them.

Dec 25, 2017
Commerce and political hierarchy are two of the major methods by which civilization has been organized, and as such there's been a big ostensible rivalry between them. Behind the scenes, or on a deeper level, I think they're both ways to try to make things work without really valuing one another. Instead we pass the buck to authority figures, or pass bucks in exchange for goods and services.

Dec 25, 2017
The political message (corresponding to the eye in the pyramid) seems very important due to the unfortunate extent to which systems of control and domination have factored into our civilization over the years. "Liberatory" and "libertarian" and "anarchist" movements (for example) have tried to remedy this, but it remains a serious issue.

Dec 25, 2017
Even the best ideas can become traps when that happens. People are going to be understandably suspicious of any major new paradigm, suspicious that it could become a new dogma. So by including a statement of non-dogmatism among the basic principles of the paradigm framework, we can effectively counteract those suspicions, and we can help civilization overcome this centuries-old problem.

Dec 25, 2017
Here's why I think that what I've been calling Zx's epistemological message (represented by the eye with the infinity sign) is so important. A huge problem that people have experienced over the centuries has been dogmatism, the phenomenon where we fall so in love with our models of reality that we forget that they're models and mistake them for the reality they represent.

Dec 24, 2017
#Zx I know people are tired & wary of ideology, and for good reason. But ideology rules our lives in many ways nonetheless. Some of us seem very much disinclined to unpack or challenge the ideologies that rule our lives. For those of us inclined to do so, we should realize that criticizing those ideologies, or criticizing people for upholding them, is woefully insufficient. What seems necessary, in order to effect real change, are robust and salient new principles to replace the prevailing ones.

Dec 24, 2017
Could this be an emblem for the next phase of civilization? Let's hope so!

Dec 24, 2017
Have you read Zx (Zherg)? Do you understand it? Do you agree with it? Why or why not? I'd be fascinated to know your answers to any of these questions :)

Dec 17, 2017
#Zx It seems beneficial to put this on the table, inject it into the collective consciousness, participate in helping it seep into people's awareness in a way that will bring us a step closer to achieving consensus on this sort of paradigm.

Dec 15, 2017
We're experiencing a multifaceted planetary crisis. At the same time, fabulous possibilities, beyond our wildest dreams, are within reach. Many proposed strategies don't go deep enough to bring optimal results. Time to take a step back & revise the basics.

Dec 14, 2017
Being of Service to All Creation with Stanley Krippner

Dec 8, 2017
@kelli Cool, very interesting. Here in Portland the four tiny home villages give formerly underhoused people housing, community, meaningful work, and other opportunities, etc. :)

Dec 7, 2017
Continuously & perpetually changing ourselves from the inside out: I think this is key, no matter how sophisticated/advanced/enlightened one may already be, and/or no matter how constrained/victimized one may be by others & by the systems to which we're subject.

Dec 7, 2017
cooperative tiny home villages: a key strategy for constructing optimal futures

Dec 6, 2017
Let's try this. #Zx

Dec 6, 2017
In May 2015 I wrote about "formulating intelligence & unity."
The Zx project now seems to have produced a memeworthy fulfillment of my hopes for "formulating unity."

Dec 6, 2017
November 7: Mycologist Paul Stamets talks with Joe Rogan

Dec 6, 2017
Consciousness and Cosmology with Jude Currivan (New Thinking Allowed)
"Here she expands upon her insight that matter and consciousness are one and the same. Therefore, rather than say that we have consciousness, she maintains that we are consciousness. She refers to her early childhood experiences of supernormal awareness, and claims that this is the birthright of all individuals. We lose these natural abilities due to cultural conditioning."

Dec 4, 2017
RT @ABC123 Z3 Paradigm Framework

Dec 4, 2017
RT @ABC123 Z3 Paradigm Framework, part 3

Dec 1, 2017
While I'm here -- In Case You Missed It! There's a new version, with parts 1 and 2 of it released so far, of what I've been jabbering about since this May: Zx

Dec 1, 2017
Carne Ross Ted Talk (April): Accidental Anarchist

Dec 1, 2017
Why do we call it being "upset"? Well, there's a whole set of things that you would like to have happen, but there's this whole other set of things that are happening; it's kind of like being upstaged, or upended

Nov 26, 2017
RT @ABC123 Z3 Paradigm Framework, part 2

Nov 25, 2017e
We're at a crossroads...
Let's talk about a spiritual-ethical-political-economic-sacramental reformation.
Check out the Zherg paradigm framework:

Nov 17, 2017
RT @ABC123 Z3 Paradigm Framework, part 1:

Nov 10, 2017
So the Graphical Supersession Point can be defined as the point when GOD becomes our primary medium for explicit/public communication

Nov 10, 2017
GOD: Graphical Online Discourse
ZHERG: Zounds! Halos Encircle Real Gods

Nov 6, 2017
Let's not let inflexible ideological attachments, to Money or Mohammad or Marx or what have you, keep us from what can be an extremely, zhergishly good outcome for everyone

Nov 6, 2017
I think the cooperative tiny home movement is a very significant phenomenon. There are at least four tiny home villages here in Portland so far. As we build and optimize structures, relationships, and cultures, we can house the houseless while helping to refine cooperative models and to actualize more effective cooperation in society at large.

Nov 6, 2017
"We'll need to develop a viable, convincing, realistically based, inspiring vision of the direction that we want to evolve toward. We need some good, solid ideals for human evolution." Thomas Lombardo

Nov 2, 2017
Oct. 18: Mark Pesce: Rise of the Replicators

Nov 2, 2017
Oct. 17: Science of Us: The mystery and value of dreams and the epidemic of dream deprivation

Nov 2, 2017
Neural network pioneer Geoff Hinton has helped create something that seems to be a step beyond neural networks: "capsule networks."

Oct 21, 2017
ROOSTER: gift-economy/pay-it-forward/zhergish message boards, operational for Portland, Palo Alto, Berkeley, and Austin so far

Oct 7, 2017
Periodic reminder: please read Zherg:
Here's a video of me reading it:

Sep 17, 2017
RT @ABC123 Your endorsement of zhergish transformation can help usher in a new age

Sep 12, 2017
RT @ABC123 Before you can achieve it, you must first perceive it: Let's promulgate Zherg to help everyone perceive a positive new paradigm!

Jul 22, 2017
RT @ABC123 ZHERG: Ideas for a transition

Jul 26, 2017
What would a new & improved paradigm for the 21st century look like?
I shared these thoughts earlier this month:

Jul 5, 2017
Zhergishly upgrading core values and transforming society

Jun 30, 2017
The Future of AI: from Deep Learning to Deep Understanding, Ben Goertzel

Jun 30, 2017
8 AR Programming Blocks
"What would it look like for these VR programs and programming blocks to co-exist with objects in the real world? Would real life situations, interactions and locations inspire ways to think of programming that aren’t immediately obvious?"

Jun 29, 2017
meatspace ergonomics for VR users -- "The office of the future"

Jun 29, 2017
a reading of zherg1.0
[a/v is a bit out of alignment for about the last quarter]

Jun 29, 2017
Someone suggested today that Zherg seems to amount to an attempt to create a new religion.
This can be daunting to contemplate, so big and profound that we hesitate to go there. But if we think about it, I think we'll see that this kind of thing is exactly what we need, whether or not we use the word "religion."

Jun 29, 2017
As we continue tuning into psi and advancing our sciences and technologies, a truly utopian golden age beckons. But we should optimize our core values and principles in order to make the world better today, and in order to survive long enough to make it to the golden age.
Really, a I don't dismiss the idea that a genuine golden age could begin later this evening, if the conversation about optimizing core values and principles were to happen, to trend, to become a thing.

Jun 26, 2017
I'm really looking forward to a zhergesque paradigm shift
Please read this momentous document & share it with others

Jun 19, 2017
Zherg2 is a slightly shorter version of Zherg. In Zherg2 the paragraph regarding the All has been removed.

Jun 16, 2017
#zherg If we truly value each other, then we can agree to cooperate voluntarily, without any buying or selling.

Jun 15, 2017
I remain very excited about #zherg. We can avoid disaster & pave the way for utopia by building a zhergish consensus

Jun 15, 2017
In Feb. I wrote about trying to avoid using the terms rightist, leftist, centrist, conservative, liberal, SQW, & SJW

Jun 11, 2017
adopting an agenda for positive change ~ we can be new paradigm early adopters :)

Jun 10, 2017
Bucky Fuller titled one his books Utopia or Oblivion. He saw these as the two likeliest options for our species. This still seems true today. A zhergish plan seems like a good way for us to get utopia rather than oblivion.
Even if the stakes weren't so extreme, it just seems like the right thing to do.

May 31, 2017
This anonymous document seems to me to be a recipe for utopia.

May 30, 2017
I feel we can really use a formulation that can effectively supersede our legal, religious, and ideological texts, one that can serve as a unifying statement of our large-scale goals and plans. Zherg seems like a good candidate for this. Let's put this in front of more people's eyes!

May 26, 2017
RT @ABC123 We may add links from words in the text to pages that elaborate on, or illustrate, the points being made. So feel free to send suggestions for those, along with any ideas regarding the text itself. We'll incorporate your feedback into any future versions of Zherg. It's now at version 1.0, and we welcome and urge you to share it with others.

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